Water Designs Our Life

Integrated Rebrand

Modern brands connect with purpose not just product. For Moen, the goal was to reposition them not simply as a faucet company, but as designers for water. As was made evident in the brand spot below and the work that follows - water designs our life. This empowered their entire organization to rally around a higher calling. They created an entire new position of Water Director via an online recruitment campaign launched by full-page ads in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal and we “hacked” water using Instagram and Twitter (see work detailed below).

Water Designs Our Life. Brand Spot.


Water Goes Digital.
Flo by Moen Campaign
When you design for water, you design new ways to control it. Moen's first partnership and collaboration after the campaign launch was with Flo, the first home water protection system you can control on your phone–turning water digital. New York Times back page ad and supporting social campaign launched during CES.

Hacking Instagram Stories; Tweet announcing Moen's partnership with Flo. Translation: We hacked water, so it can't hack you.

Hacking Instagram Stories; Tweet announcing Moen's partnership with Flo. Translation: We hacked water, so it can't hack you.

Water has the power to redesign our life. Flo by Moen can help make sure water is always a good thing.

Hacking Instagram Stories

Recruitment Ad for Water Director
New York Times and Linkedin
If you are going to be the expert in designing for water, you better have a water expert on staff. From more than 1,000 candidates, Moen chose MIT water science wizard, Nina Kshetry. Launched with a series of full-page ads in The New York Times and Wall Street Journal. as well as using linkedin exclusively for the actual recruitment process.




Craftsman. Screw*d