Thinking & Doing


Sean and Richard weren't the brightest middle managers.
But on a business junket to Paris they wandered into the Rodin Garden and managed to wax strangely poetic about art and business consulting. Part of a long-running Effie Award winning campaign. Director: Joe Pytka.

Winner: Gold Effie, Sustained Success

For the U.S. Open, IBM partnered with John McEnroe and ran a series of ads in the NYTimes the weeks during the U.S. Open in Queens.

For the U.S. Open, IBM partnered with John McEnroe and ran a series of ads in the NYTimes the weeks during the U.S. Open in Queens.

IBM partnered with the NFL to digitize their entire video library

IBM partnered with the NFL to digitize their entire video library

While equal opportunity practices continue to be as important as ever, doing some research we came across a letter written by IBM's second president, T.J. Watson Jr., back in 1953 and found it pretty compelling. Winner: New York Addy’s.


Craftsman Fixes America


Craftsman. Forever is like, forever.